The Start of the Carian Coast from Marmaris.

On the 8th August, we had a fabulous sail along the coast and into Marmaris Bay, our plan being to stay on anchor on the fringes, but the wind and swell changed our minds, so we sailed into the bay to tuck behind an island to the north west of Marmaris town, home to a tiny hotel complex called Joya Del Mar, that had its own quay for a handful of yachts and we hoped had a great chef for our 15th Wedding Anniversary celebration the following night, and dropped our anchor just outside.

Believe it or not this is the smaller of the 2 main marinas in Marmaris!

The Carian Coast runs from just north of Bodrum down and round to Marmaris, so far the scenery lives up to its write up in our pilot guide, as a somewhat wide and mountainous area, with the exception of Marmaris itself, considered to be a remote part of Turkey, that is until recently when tourism and gullets have brought prosperity, access routes and a large number of holiday homes and hotels to the area. Perhaps that has reduced some of its charm, but as we have never been here before we cannot compare and still thoroughly enjoyed it.

Our anniversary was great, a little different, moored up on the quay we wandered into the restaurant with hopeful faces. Sadly the food wasn’t quite up to the pictures on their website, a change of chef me thinks, but we did have some old crooner tinkling the ivories and attempting to sing, which kept us thoroughly amused, and despite it quite not being as advertised it is one we will remember that is for sure!.

Joya del Mar’s Wishes Tree
Looking across the beach to our safe haven.

The following day Elvstrom Sails arrived to take our Mainsail away which was in need of repair….. and later called with the option to throw some money at the repair which wouldn’t last for long as the sail itself had de-laminated quite badly or bite the bullet for a new one…. Arggg, we had thought when we first bought Seaclusion in 2012 that opting for performance sails would mean a long life span, clearly not, but then we have done nearly 13,000 nautical miles so it was not a big surprise, our genoa is going the same way, but hopefully that will be an expense we can save for next year! After a few calls to make sure the quoted price was reasonable, we took the plunge and now have a spanking new sail!

The other practical thing to note is we were desperately in need to do some laundry, and luckily the hotel put a call in and a lovely chap arrived shortly after, in passing he mentioned that as a Joya del Mar client, ironing was free. Needless to say David disappeared very quickly and soon reappeared holding up just about all his shirts he had been storing up, and our laundry bag got bigger!

Whilst waiting for our new sail and laundry, we had a couple of days to kill so ventured into Marmaris, both evening and daytime, as well as chilling on sunloungers for an afternoon on the hotels beach!

Enjoying the beach, my own little Scrabble look alike cat even came for a cuddle, despite the heat!

Marmaris itself, once upon time was a quaint fishing village, is not recognizable as such anymore.., Having been extensively damaged in an earthquake in 1957 which destroyed most of the Old Town, it has been rebuilt into a top holiday and party destination, the most popular streets being those surrounding the Bazaar selling mainly poor quality knock offs (not quite Gocek’s standard!) and Bar Street, I wonder why that is! It does have the most exclusive Marina in Turkey mind you.. not that we stayed there, it being a very short taxi ride from our safe little haven at Joya del Mar.

Marmaris at Sunset.

Huge Bronze Statute, on the front, no prizes for guessing what it is off….
Hubble Bubble Pipes, as I call them, Aka Shisha’s are here in Turkey in abundance.
David partaking.. and no, before you ask, there was no funny stuff in it!

Marmaris by Night, a very different place!

10pm clearly too early for Bar Street!
View of Marmaris by Night from the balcony at the Pineapple Restaurant.
Midnight in Bar Street, this is a bit more like it!
In the Heart of Bar Street, certainly made us chuckle!
Believe it or not, it was the shots that made us stop at this particular bar!

Marmaris by Day

Healthy Turkish Breakfast!
Bar Street by Day, before the sun and heat popped all the balloons!
Just one corner of the huge bazaar.
Yes, this is Turkish Delight, a far cry from the red jelly we get back home!

We finally left Joya del Mar on the 12th August and decided not to go very far, instead putting our new sail through its paces with various tacks and gybes, we dropped anchor in Kumlu Buku Bay, then the following day we went around the headland to Ciftlik, recommended to us by a number of sailors along our journey. We had planned to drop anchor again, but the swell somehow managed to work its way into this tiny idyllic bay and after watching the boats on anchor roll rather too much for our liking, we opted to take a place on the quay and boy are we glad we did. The family run restaurant there, Azmak, served up the best calamari and sea bass we have had all summer and that is saying something! It was so good we stayed 2 nights!

Marmaris from the Sea.
Introducing Seaclusion’s new mainsail

Kumlu Buku Bay

Just a few people on that one!


Note the Geese, very much part of the family, clucking their way around the restaurant day and night. The Story goes that the “granny” had 2 boyfriends but she lost them both over the winter and went into depression, so the Owner travelled into Marmaris to buy her some more companions and now she is very happy!
Just about the extent of the Village!
Home made bread baked fresh every morning for the restaurant and yachties alike. Needless to say one came on board with us and very nice it was too!

Our next leg is going deep into the two Gulfs, Korfezi & Gokova which are within the Special Environmental Protection Area so aside from the large number of gullets likely to be around during this Turkish 10 day holiday (due to start next week), it should be without new developments popping upon the hillsides, with crystal clear water and gentlish winds, here we come!

15th August 2018

Chantal & David

Chantal & David are the proud owners of Seaclusion. Having retired from their main professions, they now live in Southern Spain, with a new freelance photography business concentrating on Photobook Design and Photoshop editing for clients worldwide own andare lucky enough to have some long fabulous interludes on Seaclusion, sailing around the Mediterranean, for now!

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