Finally with fair winds and seas we have visited the Amalfi Coast!

August 18th – We were sad to see Steven leave us after 6 weeks on board, suffice to say, Steven probably landed in Gatwick before David found his way back to the boat from Naples, I may add that there is nothing pleasant to write about Naples, lots of traffic, taxis taking longer routes to get more money, just like London and probably any other major city in the world. But a distinct lack of taxis at Salerno, so if anybody wants a career change, we now have taxi drivers wanted in Salerno, as opposed to scaffolders in Rome !

On the 19th , we departed Marina DÁrechi, the boat now felt like it was missing something, or someone, as we sailed along the coast of Amalfi, towards, you guessed it, Amalfi !


The Almalfi Coast 2014-1024
The Almalfi Coast 2014-1033
The Almalfi Coast 2014-1010
The Almalfi Coast 2014-1019
The Almalfi Coast 2014-1005
The Almalfi Coast 2014-1013
The Almalfi Coast 2014-1012

 Moored outside as again no room at the inn, and not a stable in sight, just a normal August in Italy, we ventured in by dinghy to explore.


The Duomo.. you find one in every town!

Not sure they would have the same effect!
Not sure they would have the same effect!
If only we liked Limoncello!
If only we liked Limoncello!

On the 20th  we departed for Capri  in the hope that either there was room at the inn, or at least the swell and winds would be kind to us. You guessed, we dropped anchor outside just as the heavens opened…..

On anchor outside Capri in the rain!
On anchor outside Capri in the rain!

We spent 2 nights there, moored outside, and maybe, just maybe, we picked the wrong side of the harbour, as you wouldn’t believe how many ferries and stink pots come in and leave Capri, and trust me, we felt every wash until 8pm when all seemed to be calm, until 8am the next morning and the Zanussi started its rinse cycle all over again. After the first night of rain, the morning brought sunshine and happy faces, so we ventured into Capri to join the hoards of people that had made their way, from Naples, Sorrento etc.  We ventured in by dinghy to the town, managing to avoid hydrofoils, ferries and pleasure craft of all sizes  and then joined a queue, another one, to take the finichular railway up to the top of town which is evidently frequented by film and rock stars, none of which we saw, I am sure they steer clear of August, and did the sites, both retail and culture wise.

Downtown Capri

On my holidays, where is my taxi!!
On my holidays, where is my taxi!!

The Posh Part (Uptown)!

Of Course!!! (sadly it is a man's shop)
Of Course!!!
(sadly it is a man’s shop)
This is about the width of all the streets in the centre of Capri!
This is about the width of all the streets in the centre of Capri!
hence the only mode of transport...
hence the only mode of transport…
Including the Police!!!
Including the Police!!!
Sunset off Capri What a difference a day makes!
Sunset off Capri
What a difference a day makes!

22nd August – A short hop, well 6 miles, took us over to Sorrento for the 2nd time, Sorrento was obviously a significant place in the 80’s, but I got the impression that it hadn’t really moved on, lots of restaurants still had old pictures, mainly in black and white, of past celebrities that had visited the many eating and watering holes.


Downtown Sorrento!

Then about 12 miles around to the southern amalfi coast to spend the night in the bay of Positano, no marina, but a very attractive and smiling boat boy who charged us 60 euros for a mooring buoy, with no hope of power or water, claiming that you cannot anchor in the bay without being on  a buoy, which just to confirm to those of you who now have raised eyebrows, you are correct, you could anchor in the bay, just not the bit we went to…  You live and learn. !!

By Night!
By Night!

The next day, deciding to spoil ourselves, and  rather than worry about the dinghy and getting the outboard on again, we did get a water taxi into the town quay, which at least guaranteed that we could wear normal clothes as opposed to swimming trunks, with no worries about getting wet on this journey in Positano, reputed to be the town of many steps.. cant disagree! I think we lost count at 1,260 and wasn’t about to start again!


In the evening we left Positano, which I have to say was probably the nicest of the towns on the Amalfi coast, and motored around to Cetera, now on anchor, ready to leave the Amalfi Coast southwards.

Chantal & David

Chantal & David are the proud owners of Seaclusion. Having retired from their main professions, they now live in Southern Spain, with a new freelance photography business concentrating on Photobook Design and Photoshop editing for clients worldwide own andare lucky enough to have some long fabulous interludes on Seaclusion, sailing around the Mediterranean, for now!

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2 Responses

  1. Mum says:

    Hello – lovely photos. I remember Capri well and Sorrento, and once the photos are up in a restaurant they stay there forever as we found out staying at the Westminster Hotel in Le Touquet last week where Errol Flynn, Lareen Bacall, and many others including Tony Blair had left their imprint – always fascinating to see faces of yesteryear.

    Back from France and rested, I feel a lot better and am looking forward to coming out to Spain as soon as you return…? Hope you will have me.

    Lots of love.

  2. Ruth Prior says:

    Tom and I had a wonderful couple of holidays in Positano a t the Hotel Bristol??
    Loved the Amalfi coast. I am so glad you enjoyed it as well. The photographs are great Chantal. Does it still have rain showers every afternoon in the summmer?
    Love Mm x

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